Pet Etiquette
Working together to keep Summerfield clean and welcoming.
Picking up After Pets
As a reminder to everyone here at Summerfield – when walking your dog, please pick up after them when nature calls. After all, as much as we wish they could, they can’t do it for themselves.
This regulation applies to the entire Summerfield property. Examples of common property are:
- All areas maintained by home owners
- Landscaping contractors
- Gardening committees
- Along the fire road
- The septic leach fields
- Along the roadways
- The berm
- Sidewalks
- Etc.

Leashes are Required
Your dog must be leashed at all times when outside and walking the neighborhood. And, if you have guests visiting with their dogs, please be sure they are also aware of these rules.
Please Consider your Neighbors' Privacy
If you walk your dog in the grassy areas around other owners’ homes, please maintain a sufficient distance from homes, decks, and patios so as to respect your neighbors’ privacy.
Thank you,
The Summerfield Board